Tuesday 9 July 2013

Welcome to Herbal & Homeo Clinic

  • Dr. Asad Dar passed his Homeopathic Qualification from Lahore in 1985 and stood first in the Lahore, Pakistan in the Best Homeo Physician.
  • He started as an Academic Clinician  while also rendering Homeopathic practice from 1985. In recognition of his progressive work he was appointed to post of Principal-cum-Superintendent of the hospital from 1985 to 1993.
  • Similarly, he then did ground breaking work as Principal-cum-Superintendent from 1993 to 2001.
  • Lectured on various Clinical subjects in seminars and on various occasions at Homeopathic & Herbal Medical Association of Pakistan at Lahore.
  • He is a regular speaker at Homeopathic & Herbal academic circle of Pakistan.











Research Background

  • Dedicated 28 years to path-breaking research in Homeopathic & Herbal Medicine
  • Puerperal Sepsis at GHMCH (1985-87)
  • Malarial fever at GHMCH (1987-90)
  • Spondylosis and Calcanial Spur at PHH Clinic, (1992-2000)
  • Sickle Cell anemia of M.M.H.C. & RI (2004-2007)
  • Formulated Homeopathic formulations for various acute, joints and chronic diseases (2004-2010)

Pioneering Background

  • Set up a 28 bedded hospital for G.H.Medical College 1993.
  • Established a college and hospital for Medical in 1996.
  • Established a college and hospital for SMMH in 2001
  • Established a unit manufacturing Homeopathic Cosmetic products in 2004.

D.H.M.S., D.I.M.S., D.F.F.N - D.E.H.M.S.

Dr Asad Dar has over 28 years of seminal work in the field of Homeopathy. Presently, he is the Chairman at Alflah Medical Advisory Board since 2000. He is also the consultant Homeopathy & Herbal at the Pak Herbal Clinic, Shams Abad near Shad Bagh since 1985.

What is Homeo-Herbal?

Recent research has proven conclusively that people recover more quickly when they have a support system.

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Making the right decisions to maintain a healthy lifestyle can be tough. Homeo-Herbal clinic is here to provide the support you need so you can achieve health success.

Offering a fast, natural and preventive cure via a 3-fold treatment:

(1) Potentised Homeopathic Medicine

(a) Provides a permanent solution
(b) Removes the body tendency to reproduce the same disease repeatedly when it is disordered or diseased
(c) Removes the obstacles in the body, interfering in attaining a permanent cure
(d) Removes peculiar personal characteristic symptom or condition which does not fall in the domain of diagnosis
(e) Dissolves unwanted bone growth ;to dissolve blood clots and retards tissue degeneration.

(2) Compounds of Homeopathic Herbal Extracts

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(a) Provides fast relief of the distressing symptoms or conditions
(b) Strengthens the body’s tissues and organs which have become weak and fragile due to disease, toxin, over drugging and noxious addictions
(c) Enhances the body’s capability to correct itself against the disease, toxic conditions and inimical forces as per the theory of Osteopathy

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(3) External Applications*

As used in some cases:

(a) Heal wounds and ulcers; to remove acne and pigmentation on skin       
(b) Act as an astringent in cases of bleeding, loss of elasticity of tissue, and wrinkles
(c) Act as a moisturizer to dry skin
(d) Act as an anodyne to remove pain
(e) Act as an elixir to increase the life span of a hair and stop abnormal hair falling
(f) Act as an inhibitor to stop exfoliation, thereby stop dandruff

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Preventive Aspect

Apart from the Curative Aspect of this treatment as mentioned above, there is another aspect- the Preventive Aspect. The modus operandi of this Homoeo-herbal treatment  provides prevention of further deterioration of the existing disease; prevention of the complication and sequela of the existing disease and strives to save the human community from unnecessary suffering due to the progressive and deteriorative pathology. It helps to slow down or stop almost all types of degenerative diseases, which are not so done by conventional treatment.

  • The preventive aspect of treatment mentioned here does not mean the prophylactic treatment (i.e. taking medicine in advance to prevent the occurrence of a disease from which the patient is not suffering). It means the prevention of deterioration or complication of the existing disease
  • There are many example in the books of medicine where taking a strong conventional medicine has suppressed the existing disease and  has  brought about a newer more grave disease, e.g. suppression of eczema has caused asthma. A control of pain and inflammation in any type of chronic arthritis does not mean a cure, the disease  persists and progresses, though the pain is not felt for some time. A control of diabetes or high blood pressure shown on examination, does not mean the disease is arrested, it progresses latently to cause further damage and complication; the suppression of psoriasis leads to psoriatic arthritis.
  • This Homoeo-Herbal treatment will prevent further damage, sequela and complication of existing disease. 


Specially developed therapeutic solutions that remove the disease completely from the root. Natural Oils and Herbal Extracts are easily accepted as they are eco-friendly, harmless and do not produce any unwanted effect on the skin or body even after prolonged use.

Diseses of the Blood & Vessels

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Chronic hemorrhagic diseases (Bleeding diseases)
  • Menorrhagia (Excessively prolonged or profuse menses)
  • Metrorrhagia (Any irregular, acyclic bleeding from uterus between      periods)
  • Cerebral hemorrhage and its complications (bleeding into the substance of the cerebrum part of the brain)
  • Epistaxis (Bleeding from nose)
  • Internal visceral bleeding
  • Bleeding from gums
  • Bleeding hemorrhoid\ piles
Chronic anemia (Any condition in which the no of red blood cell, the amount of hemoglobin & the pack cell volume of blood are less than normal, characterized by pallor, breathlessness, lethargy & fatigue)
  • Thelessemia minor: A type of anemia due to the disorder of hemoglobin metabolism
  • Sickle cell anemia:  An anemia characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cell and accelerated hemolysis resulting in episode of severe pain in bones, infarct, leg ulcer & atrophy of the spleen
  • Leukemia (Blood cancer): A progressive increase of abnormal leucocytes in blood, causing anemia, enlargement of spleen, liver, or lymph nodes and bleeding. Here homoeopathic medicine is to be taken along with radio or chemotherapy. Homeopathy reduces the onslaught of radiation and chemotherapy. It also reduces the chances of recurrence and metastasis.
Systemic thrombosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis: Formation of clot in vein)
  • Arterial insufficiency: Inadequate blood supply by an artery)
  • Thrombophlebitis: Inflammation of vein with thrombosis)
  • Cerebral thrombosis
**Dr. Asad Dar has developed a Homoeopathic medicine to dissolve a blood clot.

Diseases of the Blood vessels
  • Gangrene: Obstruction, loss or diminution of blood supply of any extremity or organ
  • Avascular necrosis of the head of femur: Death of bone tissue due to stoppage of blood supply
  • Phlebitic ulcer: Ulcer of inflamed vein
  • Varicose vein: Permanent dilatation and tortuousity of veins of the leg   
  • Hemorrhoid\Piles: A varicosity of the rectal veins causing painful swelling at the anus & often bleeding

Diseases of Bone & Joints

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  • Calcanial Spur: A painful bony over growth of the heel bone
  • Osteophytes: A bony outgrowth generally on the margin of a bone
  • Exostosis
  • Abnormal bone growth
  • Osteo Arthritis (O.A): A degenerative joint disease characterized by erosion of articular cartilage and over growth of marginal osteophytes on bone
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (R.A): A chronic systemic disease which affects small joints and connective tissue, leading to deformities and disability
  • Gout: A disorder of purine metabolism, characterized by raised uric acid in blood and severe recurrent acute arthritis
  • Psoriatic  Arthritis: A concurrence of psoriasis and polyarthritis ,resembling R.A  but of negative R.A factor, affecting joints of upper and lower extremities
  • Cervical Spondylosis: Ankylosis of the vertebral joints, a term generally used for degenerative changes due to O.A.
  • Lumber Spondylosis: Degenerative changes due to O.A affecting lumber vertebra of back, inter vertebral disc and nerve roots
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis: Inflammation of the vertebra progressing to bone fixation of vertebrae of spine with fibrous or bony union across the spine.)
  • Low back Pain (Lumbago)
  • Spinal Canal Stenosis: Stricture of the spinal canal due to over growth of bone within the canal,compressing the spinal cord thereby  producing it’s   complications
 **Dr. Asad Dar has developed a homoeopathic medicine to dissolve any abnormal bone growth & osteophytes.

Diseases of Nerves & Brain

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  • Optic atrophy: Wasting of optic nerve of the eye from death of nerve cell resulting in progressive diminution of eye sight and eventual blindness
  • Demyelinating disease of nerve: A disease where the myelin sheath of nerve is destroyed, resulting  in loss of nerve activity
  • Sciatica: Pain in lower back and hip radiating down to the back of thigh into the legs
  • Meniere’s  disease: A disease characterized by vertigo, deafness & noises in the ears
  • Residual pain of Herpes Zoster

Lifestyle Enhancement

  • Memory Enhancement: For examination anxiety & poor memory power in school and college students and mental workers
  • Corporate Stress: Mental stress due to over work and anxiety to meet the given target or responsibility
  • Insomnia: Sleeplessness and/ or disturbed sleep
  • Computer related problems:
  • Eyes: Eye strain, dry eyes syndrome, blurred vision and related headache
  • Postural problems:  Backache, pain in head, neck, body and extremities
  • Brain fag: Mental exhaustion
  • Psycho-somatic rheumatism: Pain in any part of the body due mental tension and anxiety
  • Skin care
  • Hair care: Hairfall, dandruff
 **Dr. Asad Dar has developed clinically proven
Homeo Herbal Cold Cream, Eczema Skin Cream, Acme cream, Pigment serum, Hair Cream, Dandruff Cream, Baby Cream, Cracks and Fissure Cream, Pile Cream and Pain Ointments. 
(All creams and ointments made from natural oil and homeopathic-herbal extracts.)
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Homeopathy & Herbal are Safe & Effective Medicine

Homeopathy & Herbal are a healing, safe alternative medical system that has a few hundred years of history which was discovered. Homeopathy uses substances found in nature to heal the whole person. It treats the person holistically by stimulating the body’s natural defenses to heal itself instead of suppressing the symptoms. Hence one gets to stop taking Homeopathic remedies but retain its healing benefits for a long-term.
• Safe and effective
• No side effects
• No diet restrictions
• Treats the root cause of the symptoms
• Enables complete and effective cure
Homeopathy & Herbal is undergoing a resurgence of popularity worldwide. In many European countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Demark, United Kingdom Homeopathy plays a significant role in the medical system. Therefore Homeopathy is covered under the National Health Care system. In India, Homeopathy is recognized as one of its National system of medicine.
According to the World Health Organization WHO,
Homeopathy & Herbal is the second most used system of medicine in the world and the fastest growing (Ontario Homeopathic Association 2009, WHO Global Atlas of Complementary Medicine, 2005)

Monday 8 July 2013

How to take control of your body size

Do you find your body size fluctuates?  Sometimes it’s going up … and sometimes your body size is going down? 
Many people find that their body size is usually pretty steady but a long vacation, a period of intense exercise or a major life event can sometimes result in weight loss or gain.  When this happens it can lead you to feel out of control.
In fact, my body size changed a lot recently. I’m an active person and on top of working and my usual exercise routine, I also spend my time running around after my four lively kids! So, when I recently went on an extended business trip, I didn’t think twice about the extra exercising: I was running about and leading a few fun classes each day. I didn’t pair the extra exercise with extra calories and my weight dropped by about 7lbs (3kgs).
You may think this is wonderful news but I’m petite and losing that weight wasn’t something I was trying to do.  My body shape changed and my clothes didn’t fit properly.
What I should have done was pair my calories in with my calories out.  In the back of my mind I knew this but I didn’t equally prioritize eating properly. And my sudden weight loss was accompanied with a lack of energy – the last thing I wanted!
This week, I’m going to share my tips to help you maintain your weight and avoid body size fluctuations – whatever is happening in your life. After all, you’ve worked hard to make sure your body is the right size for you – let’s make sure you keep the shape you want.

Plan for success

Know what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. This is important for both eating and exercising and will help you stay in control of your body size.
  • I make time for balanced meals and always keep a few healthy snacks on hand to make sure I have something nutritionally beneficial within reach – this is especially helpful when I’m rushing around.
  • I  try to make sure my minimum exercise level is set at 30 minutes a day.
With these two things I know that I can balance my calories in with my calories out. If I find myself exercising more then I can add an extra snack when I think about it – I don’t give myself a chance to forget and that means my body size will stay just right.

Be consistent

Whether you want to maintain, lose or gain weight then you need to be consistent with your eating and exercise routines. I feel like our attention spans are getting shorter but we have to give routines time to work. It’s no use doing something for a day or a week and then giving up.
At the same time, we know that a life that is the same every day would be boring. That means that if you have an extra portion of dessert one day then, no, you don’t need to jump up and start exercising to balance the calories.  You just need to say no to extra dessert the next day.
(Too often I hear people say they’re planning to miss a meal because they ate too much the day before.  It’s important to understand that even if you do slip up on your calories, you still need to consume calories later because your body needs consistent amounts of fuel. In the same way, follow a day of intense exercise with a different activity not complete laziness. For instance, the day after an endurance run consider a gentle swim.)
Don’t let changes in your life be an excuse to let your body size become something beyond your control.
I want to make it clear that you must not create a habit of thinking “I ate a donut = I must run for an hour right now” because this could create an unhealthy pattern of extremes. Exercise is not a substitute for poor nutrition and good nutrition is not a good excuse to skip your workout. These two important parts of our life work best when combined in a perfect balance. Strive to find the balance that is right for you.
Balancing your nutrition and activity level consistently will help you stay in control of your body size. And, when we feel in control, we feel happier!  Now tell me your tips for taking back control below – I absolutely love reading your thoughts.

Stop eating so quickly – 6 tips to help you slow down

When you eat fast, you tend to eat more.  If you always finish your meal before everyone else, here are my top six tips to help you slow your eating habits.
“They call me the vacuum cleaner!” one of my patients told me recently.   He’s been a fast eater his entire life.  “I grew up with six brothers and sisters – so, counting my folks, there were nine of us at the dinner table,” he told me.  “As soon as mom put the food down, we’d all scramble to get our share, and then eat it up as fast as we could – because the fastest eater had the best chance of getting a second helping before it was all gone!”  Even though he no longer has nine people at his dinner table, those old eating habits die hard.  This guy can still demolish a plate of food in seconds flat.
I’ve asked clients like this to actually keep track of how long it takes them to eat, and I’m often astonished at how much food they can put away in just six or seven minutes.  Sometimes, like my client, the eating habit traces back to childhood.  But there are other reasons we eat fast, too.  When you get too hungry, or are presented with really enticing food, you tend to eat more quickly – and to eat more.   When you finally do get the chance to eat, you’re likely to shovel it in.   And, when you’re really hungry, you’re more likely to reach for the unhealthy, high-calorie stuff, too.
Your stomach needs time to send signals to your brain to let you know that you’re full – about 20 minutes or so.  And it is a matter of time, not how much food you eat. Eating more food won’t make the signals travel any faster – there will always be about a 20 minute delay.  So you can feel full on less food – as long as you can slow your pace enough to give your body time to figure it out.  Here are some tips to help you slow your eating habits.

Improve your eating habits by slowing down

Eat in courses

Rather than sitting down with a whole plate of food at one time, try eating in courses.  Have your salad or veggies first – which will allow you to start to fill up on the lowest calorie part of your meal – then dig into the main course.  If you have limited time to finish your meal all at one time (like on your lunch break at work), then eat the main portion of your meal at lunch and save the rest for a snack, so you don’t feel pressure to eat everything quickly and at once.

Take smaller bites

The larger the bite, the faster you’re going to finish your food.  When you take smaller bites, you can make the meal last longer, which gives your brain some time to catch up with your stomach.  If you’re eating food that has to be cut up first – like a piece of meat or chicken – cut it as you go.  If you cut it all up into bite-sized pieces and then dig in, it’s too easy to get it all down quickly.

Eat more high fiber foods

High fiber foods aren’t just more filling than low-fiber foods, they also take longer to eat. Crunchy raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains require more chewing than foods like snack crackers or cookies, which slows you down. 

Swallow each bite before loading up your fork again

Fast eaters often have their fork loaded and ready to go while they’re still chewing the previous bite.  If you find yourself doing this, then make a point to change the sequence.  The next step after “chew and swallow” should be “reload fork”, not “shovel in the next bite”.

Put utensils and hand-held foods down in between bites

This is another habit that may take some time before it feels “natural”, but it really can help.  Once you’ve mastered the “swallow – load fork – take another bite” tactic above, you can add another couple of steps:  “swallow – put down fork – pick up fork – load fork – take another bite”.  And if you’re eating something that doesn’t require utensils, like a burger or a sandwich, try to resist the temptation to simply pick it up and gobble away.  Instead, practice putting it down between bites.

Sip on water throughout your meal

Train yourself to take sips of water frequently during your meal.  It not only slows your pace, it also allows you to consume more water with your meal, which – in combination with the food you’re eating – could help to fill you up.
Eating slower has been shown to lead to weight loss, but maintaining a slower pace is hard for people to do – and just as with other weight loss strategies, it takes a lot of practice.  Set aside time so you can have a leisurely pace to your meals, rather than trying to “work them in” to your already overscheduled day.  Because when it comes to race to the finish, this is one time when it’s good to finish last.