Tuesday 9 July 2013


Specially developed therapeutic solutions that remove the disease completely from the root. Natural Oils and Herbal Extracts are easily accepted as they are eco-friendly, harmless and do not produce any unwanted effect on the skin or body even after prolonged use.

Diseses of the Blood & Vessels

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Chronic hemorrhagic diseases (Bleeding diseases)
  • Menorrhagia (Excessively prolonged or profuse menses)
  • Metrorrhagia (Any irregular, acyclic bleeding from uterus between      periods)
  • Cerebral hemorrhage and its complications (bleeding into the substance of the cerebrum part of the brain)
  • Epistaxis (Bleeding from nose)
  • Internal visceral bleeding
  • Bleeding from gums
  • Bleeding hemorrhoid\ piles
Chronic anemia (Any condition in which the no of red blood cell, the amount of hemoglobin & the pack cell volume of blood are less than normal, characterized by pallor, breathlessness, lethargy & fatigue)
  • Thelessemia minor: A type of anemia due to the disorder of hemoglobin metabolism
  • Sickle cell anemia:  An anemia characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cell and accelerated hemolysis resulting in episode of severe pain in bones, infarct, leg ulcer & atrophy of the spleen
  • Leukemia (Blood cancer): A progressive increase of abnormal leucocytes in blood, causing anemia, enlargement of spleen, liver, or lymph nodes and bleeding. Here homoeopathic medicine is to be taken along with radio or chemotherapy. Homeopathy reduces the onslaught of radiation and chemotherapy. It also reduces the chances of recurrence and metastasis.
Systemic thrombosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis: Formation of clot in vein)
  • Arterial insufficiency: Inadequate blood supply by an artery)
  • Thrombophlebitis: Inflammation of vein with thrombosis)
  • Cerebral thrombosis
**Dr. Asad Dar has developed a Homoeopathic medicine to dissolve a blood clot.

Diseases of the Blood vessels
  • Gangrene: Obstruction, loss or diminution of blood supply of any extremity or organ
  • Avascular necrosis of the head of femur: Death of bone tissue due to stoppage of blood supply
  • Phlebitic ulcer: Ulcer of inflamed vein
  • Varicose vein: Permanent dilatation and tortuousity of veins of the leg   
  • Hemorrhoid\Piles: A varicosity of the rectal veins causing painful swelling at the anus & often bleeding

Diseases of Bone & Joints

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  • Calcanial Spur: A painful bony over growth of the heel bone
  • Osteophytes: A bony outgrowth generally on the margin of a bone
  • Exostosis
  • Abnormal bone growth
  • Osteo Arthritis (O.A): A degenerative joint disease characterized by erosion of articular cartilage and over growth of marginal osteophytes on bone
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (R.A): A chronic systemic disease which affects small joints and connective tissue, leading to deformities and disability
  • Gout: A disorder of purine metabolism, characterized by raised uric acid in blood and severe recurrent acute arthritis
  • Psoriatic  Arthritis: A concurrence of psoriasis and polyarthritis ,resembling R.A  but of negative R.A factor, affecting joints of upper and lower extremities
  • Cervical Spondylosis: Ankylosis of the vertebral joints, a term generally used for degenerative changes due to O.A.
  • Lumber Spondylosis: Degenerative changes due to O.A affecting lumber vertebra of back, inter vertebral disc and nerve roots
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis: Inflammation of the vertebra progressing to bone fixation of vertebrae of spine with fibrous or bony union across the spine.)
  • Low back Pain (Lumbago)
  • Spinal Canal Stenosis: Stricture of the spinal canal due to over growth of bone within the canal,compressing the spinal cord thereby  producing it’s   complications
 **Dr. Asad Dar has developed a homoeopathic medicine to dissolve any abnormal bone growth & osteophytes.

Diseases of Nerves & Brain

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  • Optic atrophy: Wasting of optic nerve of the eye from death of nerve cell resulting in progressive diminution of eye sight and eventual blindness
  • Demyelinating disease of nerve: A disease where the myelin sheath of nerve is destroyed, resulting  in loss of nerve activity
  • Sciatica: Pain in lower back and hip radiating down to the back of thigh into the legs
  • Meniere’s  disease: A disease characterized by vertigo, deafness & noises in the ears
  • Residual pain of Herpes Zoster

Lifestyle Enhancement

  • Memory Enhancement: For examination anxiety & poor memory power in school and college students and mental workers
  • Corporate Stress: Mental stress due to over work and anxiety to meet the given target or responsibility
  • Insomnia: Sleeplessness and/ or disturbed sleep
  • Computer related problems:
  • Eyes: Eye strain, dry eyes syndrome, blurred vision and related headache
  • Postural problems:  Backache, pain in head, neck, body and extremities
  • Brain fag: Mental exhaustion
  • Psycho-somatic rheumatism: Pain in any part of the body due mental tension and anxiety
  • Skin care
  • Hair care: Hairfall, dandruff
 **Dr. Asad Dar has developed clinically proven
Homeo Herbal Cold Cream, Eczema Skin Cream, Acme cream, Pigment serum, Hair Cream, Dandruff Cream, Baby Cream, Cracks and Fissure Cream, Pile Cream and Pain Ointments. 
(All creams and ointments made from natural oil and homeopathic-herbal extracts.)
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